Strong soft skills support success at home, school and work.


Strong soft skills, such as the ability to communicate well with others and effectively manage one’s time, are not only essential at work or school but also have a significant impact on our personal lives.

My clients range from professionals with advanced degrees to students, ages 18 and older, enrolled in post-secondary training. In our work together, we focus on strengthening two pillars of soft skills: social use of language, referred to as social communication or pragmatics; and executive functions, the “management system of the brain” that supports the ability to establish priorities, stay on task and get things done.

Examples of social communication difficulties include missing verbal and non-verbal social cues or struggling to communicate information that requires insight and sensitivity, such as giving constructive feedback or repairing a communication breakdown. Clients who seek help with executive functions may have difficulty with organizational skills, time management, filtering distractions and meeting deadlines. 

Please feel free to browse this site where you will learn how social communication and executive function coaching can improve your work, school and home life.

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said."  
Peter Drucker

"Track your small wins to motivate big accomplishments." 
Teresa Amabile

“True development is about transforming the operating system [mindset], not just increasing your fund of knowledge or your behavioral repertoire.”
Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey
Excerpt, Immunity to Change

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